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Showing posts from 2019

New!! Freezer box support added.

This is a big day for Biology Labs, who store their antibodies/plasmids/etc. in freezer boxes. From now, a researcher can easily map all his inventory items into virtual freezer box LabSuit now supports!!! Yes, that is super cool! You're welcome to watch this short explanatory video and get excited the same way as I'm now! You're more than welcome to leave your comments here!

Flexible and powerfull inventory export

We have a very friendly and loyal research lab in Norway, who gave us another fruitful idea. When one is exporting inventory listing into Excel, the currently selected filters should apply for Excel as well.  For example, if you are exporting a specific location (yellow closet, let's say) or a specific type (Cell Culture), this would result in Excel to include only relevant inventory items! Simple, yet very useful! Thanks to our users from Norway!! It's now functional!!

Drag and drop attachments into order request

Following multiple feedbacks from our users, now LabSuit allows attaching files just by dragging them and dropping them in order requests screen!